How to modify a Car properly

How to modify a Car properly

Modifying a car can be a difficult task, but through proper guidance you can modify your Car properly to stand out of the crowd and to satisfy yourself too.

Generally modification happens in a lower model Car and not on the top model of any Car, cause lower varients do not offer all the things. So, if you are having the top model of any Car, then there is no need of modifications.

Most of the people just modify their Cars in a very irregular manner which makes the car look even more ugly than the stock model and sometimes the Car looks too busy in itself and also looks too over-crowded which makes it worse than before.

Sometimes people use too many different colours like red,green,yellow,blue in a single Car and sometimes use extra chrome finish, which damages the looks of the Car.

So guys, in this ,we will see all of the important tips to be followed to to modify your Car properly and to make your Car, look good and decent rather than too showy and over-crowded.

1. Use Diamond cut Alloy-Wheels:

Guys if you want to modify your Car, first of all go for diamond cut alloy wheels and not the silver steel-rims, though silver steel-rims also suits on some Cars but Diamond cut alloy wheels will suit on any Car.

If you want to make your car more sporty, then go for totally black alloy wheels and if you wanna make it both sporty and stylish then go for diamond cut alloy-wheels. First always go for 5 spoke alloy-wheels.

2. Don't over-chrome your Car:

Right use of Chrome

Over-chrome means using too much of chrome in on your Car. It's the worst thing you do for Car modification.
Never go for this. Use chrome very wisely and place them on right places like window lining, trunk lining and lower door linings.
Never use chrome on your headlights and tail-lights and also never use chrome if you want to make your car full sporty.

Chrome generally suits on white, grey and black colour Cars. so if you are having a red, green or yellow car then don't go for chrome, and if you want to then go for only window linings, trunk lining and lower-door lining.

3. Custom colour:

If you are planning to get a custom colour for your car, or if you want to go for colour modifications. use only two colours like, get your car in colour combinations of Red-Black, White-Black, Silver-Black , White-red.

Don't use too many colours on your car cause definitely you don't wanna make your car a rally Car or a racing Car. so use colours wisely.

Don't make your car a 🌈[Rainbow].

4. Window and headlight tinting:

Tinting means covering through a film. It's like laminating through a black film. Generally tinting is done with black film but a lot of tinti options are there like the chameleon colour, green colour but here we are not modifying for a racing car, so use only black tint.

Window glass tinting gives you a more stylish and mafia looks. It makes the Car look good with the Diamond cut alloy wheels. Some of us want to blacken our white headlamps, So you can use headlight tinting.

5. Use Black detailings: 

Black is the default colour which means it suits with every Car colour.

So, use more Black elements on your car if you want to make it look sporty and eye-catching. Similar like black colour, you can go for carbon-fibre colour which makes the car looks even more sportier than black colour.

Use simple straight black sticker on your doors on lower sides.


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